In reaction to the storming of the United Nations Development Program building in the Somali capital, Foreign Minister Kristian Vigenin said:
20 June 2013 NewsThe Republic of Bulgaria strongly and firmly condemns the attack by extremists on the building of the United Nations Development (UNDP) in the Somali capital Mogadishu, seeing it as a barbaric act directed against the UN system and the joint efforts of the international community to preserve world peace and security. The UNDP is the main UN program supporting the least developed and developing countries, including Somalia, to get through the critical moments in their development and achieve fast and effective economic and social growth, improving living standards. Through its comprehensive activity, the UNDP helps to reduce global poverty and achieving the MDGs, democratic governance, crisis prevention and recovery, helping the parties to make effective use of the international development assistance granted to them. The Republic of Bulgaria has always supported and will continue to support in the future the overall performance and efforts of the UNDP in this regard.
I am certain that the organizers and perpetrators of this criminal act will be brought to the strictest justice and that all necessary actions will be taken to prevent similar criminal acts in the future. At this difficult time, we express our condolences and sympathy to the families of the dead.