Diplomatic missions



Australia and Oceania


North America

South America


Last update 29 August 2024Diplomatic missions

Risk index

Level 3: Avoid non-essiential travel (Do not travel in certain areas of the country unless necessary)


Select passport type

Regular passport: visa not required

Diplomatic passport: visa not required

Official passport: visa not required

Republic of Cuba

Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria in Havana, the Republic of Cuba

Address: 5-taavenida № 6407, esquinaa66, Miramar, Playa, CiudaddeLaHabana
Telephone: +537 204 67 66
Out-of-hours hotline: +535 286 24 49
Working hours: Monday – Friday, 08:30 – 17:00
Opening hours of the Consular Office: Monday – Friday, 09:30 – 12:30
E-mail: [email protected]
Website: www.mfa.bg/embassies/kuba

Embassy of the Republic of Cuba in Sofia

Address: Sofia 1113, 1 Konstantin Shtarkelov St.
Telephone: +359 2 872 09 96; +359 2 872 20 14
Fax: +359 2 872 04 60
Consular Office: Tue and Thu, 10:00 – 12:00
E-mail: [email protected]
[email protected]

General information

Security level:

Cuba is generally considered a safe country.

Recently, there has been an increase in cases of foreigners falling victim to theft, especially in the city of Cuba. The number of cases of theft has increased in recent years, particularly in Havana (the Old Havana, Havana Centre and Vedado districts), as well as on the coastal boulevard of Malecón and on Havana's eastern beaches.

Reports of violent crime and the use of cold weapons are increasing. It is recommended that tourists' vigilance be heightened especially at night in the usual tourist destinations and crowded places. There have been cases of stolen bags and belongings of Bulgarian citizens in restaurants, night bars, as well as missing money and personal belongings from hotel rooms.

Personal luggage, documents, money and travel tickets should be kept in a safe place, a safe deposit box. Carry copies of personal documents.
It is advisable not to wear expensive jewellery or demonstrate possession of large amounts of cash.
In the event of a robbery, a complaint of the crime should be made to the local police, where a document (Comprobante de Denuncia) confirming the incident should be requested.
In case of stolen Bulgarian identity documents, you should inform the Embassy in order to have them declared invalid in due time.


As in many other countries in the Caribbean and Latin America, travellers to Cuba should take precautions against mosquito bites. Cuba has outbreaks of the aedes aegypti and aedes albopictus mosquitoes, which spread Dengue fever, Chikungunya virus and, more recently, Oropouche virus, which are endemic to the LAC region. The "aedes" mosquitoes are most active during daylight hours. Particular caution should be exercised early in the morning and before sunset by using plenty of repellent and wearing long sleeves and leggings during this period. In case of symptoms of illness (high fever, headache, vomiting and muscle pain) medical attention should be sought immediately.
The MFA recommends that travellers follow the advice of the Ministry of Health and the Bulgarian Red Cross to prevent mosquito bites and infection with the above diseases: http://www.redcross.bg/advice 

Cuban health authorities first confirmed the presence of chikungunya virus /CHIKV/ in the country on 18 June 2014 in a Ministry of Public Health announcement. The incubation period of CHIKV is about seven days. Symptoms characteristic of the disease are: high fever, severe joint pain, swelling, back pain, and in some cases a skin rash. Infection can cause acute, sub-acute and chronic illness, the latter two can lead to immobility of patients.
Bulgarian tourists in the Cuban capital can seek help at the Clinica Central Cira Garcia (Cira Garcia Hospital) in Havana. The address of the hospital is Calle 20, No. 4001, esquina Av. 41, Playa, La Habana, telephone numbers: 7204 2811; 7204 2812; 7204 2813; 7204 2814, and in the countryside - to the nearest health facility. In the case of organised tourism, assistance should be sought from the administration of the hotels where the tourists are staying.

In most hospitals, payment must be guaranteed in advance by presenting insurance, debit or credit card, cash. All payments for treatment must be made before leaving the country. The Cuban authorities do not allow one to leave the country if there are unpaid medical bills.
As of May 1, 2010, all visitors to Cuba must present health insurance. Upon arrival in the country, you may be required to present an insurance policy, certificate of insurance or medical assistance card valid for the period of your stay in Cuba. Those who do not possess any of the above documents may be required to purchase insurance from a Cuban insurance company locally.
Running water cannot be used for drinking or ice making unless it has been pre-filtered and boiled. Bottled mineral or spring water is recommended. Raw fruit and vegetables should not be eaten without being thoroughly washed. Prepared food purchased from street vendors should be avoided.

Specifics of the local legislation:

Cuba is actively fighting against child sex tourism. A significant number of tourists have been convicted of sex with minors, with sentences for such offences ranging from 7 to 25 years imprisonment.

Offences such as drug trafficking, armed assault, rape, facilitating illegal immigration, forging bank cards and withdrawing money with them are punished with long sentences.

The permissible blood alcohol content for driving in Cuba is 0.04%. Drunk driving is punishable.

Court procedures and police investigations are slow and lengthy procedures and can take years. Conditions in Cuban prisons are harsh.

Visitors to Cuba should avoid military zones and any other high-security sites, which are not always marked.

It is forbidden to take photographs of military and police facilities and their personnel, ports, railways and airports.

Customs requirements:

The import into Cuba of: Drugs, certain medicines, weapons and explosives, pornographic materials, literature that may be considered subversive, prohibited animal and plant species, perishable foods, radio transmitting stations, drones, wireless microphones, radio and TV transmitters if other than household transmitters, data systems (routers, switches, etc), GPS units, satellite dishes and receivers, air conditioners, and any small electrical appliances that have a significant electrical consumption. Such items shall be confiscated without compensation.

Customs authorities can confiscate anything they deem not to be for personal use on a tourist trip.They can also apply high customs tariffs for travellers whose luggage exceeds 30 kg. Currently, local authorities allow the import of medicines in reasonable quantities without imposing customs tariffs.

Up to 50 cigars can be exported from Cuba without a document of origin. In the case of larger quantities, they must be declared to the competent customs authorities by presenting a certificate of origin, otherwise the suitcase may be detained and the cigars confiscated.

Works of art, old books and furniture purchased in Cuba, including sculptures and paintings, must be accompanied by an export permit, usually issued by the State galleries. Alternatively, they can be registered with the National Register of Cultural Property: Registro Nacional de Bienes Culturales, Calle17, No. 1009 e/10 y12, Vedado, tel. +53 7 833-9658.

More information HERE.

Road traffic:

City buses are extremely irregular, outdated and usually overloaded. Travel agencies usually provide good bus services between airports, hotels and resorts. The buses used for day tours organised by the hotels are also in good condition.
Radio taxis are usually safe. Unlicensed vehicles offering taxi services should be avoided. Yellow three-wheeled 'coco-taxis' are unsafe and should also be avoided.
The traffic situation in Cuba is complex and it is therefore preferable for Bulgarian citizens to avoid driving in the country or, when unavoidable, to exercise increased vigilance.
Road signs are inadequate and often confusingly placed. Motorcyclists, cyclists, tractors, pedestrians, carts and livestock often end up in the middle of the road.

Many of the vehicles are old and not well maintained, which creates the conditions for accidents. In general, Cuban drivers drive carelessly, without regard for the road situation and signs, and prefer to signal with their hands instead of using the car's indicators.
The main highway that runs the length of the island is in relatively good condition, unlike many of the other roads. Night-time driving is not recommended.
Hitchhiking is not recommended.

The main highway that runs the length of the island is in relatively good condition, unlike many of the other roads. Night-time driving is not recommended.

Hitchhiking is not recommended.

Road accidents are a frequent cause of arrest and conviction of foreigners. Regardless of the nature of the accident, it can take between 5 months and a year before a trial occurs. In most cases, drivers are not allowed to leave Cuba until the trial is over.
Bulgarian citizens should be careful when returning a rented car. Even though they pay for insurance when renting the car, the insurance coverage is not always the same as in Bulgaria. If the damage is your fault, it is very possible that the rental agency will cancel the damage cover and ask you to reimburse the damage. Rental agencies are state-owned and may prevent your departure from the country if you do not pay all obligations to them.

Practical advice:

Telephone connections are problematic and often unreliable. Calls, including to important institutions, may go unanswered. Due to technical problems, you may be connected to a number other than the one you dialled. In large cities, there is a reliable mobile connection. Cards from Bulgarian mobile operators usually work in Cuba if they are adapted to North American standards and have roaming. Cubacel should be contacted on +53 52642266 if a card is required from a local mobile operator.

Local currency:

National peso (CUP)
1USD=120 CUP
Cuban authorities remind that the use of US dollars in the country for cash payments is prohibited. Several freely convertible currencies - Canadian dollar, euro, pound sterling, Japanese yen and Mexican peso - are allowed. Payments can also be made in Cuban pesos - CUP. A system of prepaid cards with internationally convertible currency - MLC (1 US dollar = 1 MLC) - is also in use and can be purchased at exchange offices at airports, ports, hotels and tourist areas. With these cards, tourists can pay for services in Cuba. The cards are valid for two years. When leaving the country, any amounts not spent can be refunded to the bearers if they wish.

Climatic characteristics:

Hurricane season in the Caribbean is from early June to late November. During a hurricane or tropical storm, transportation, services (electricity, water, banking, medical care), including the supply of food commodities, may be suspended indefinitely.

It is advisable to monitor information at http://severe.worldweather.org/ ; http://www.nhc.noaa.gov/ and https://www.gov.uk/guidance/tropical-cyclones

Practical tips:

Telephone connections are problematic and often unreliable. Calls, including to important institutions, may go unanswered. Due to technical problems, you may be connected to a number other than the one you dialled. In large cities, there is a reliable mobile connection. Cards from Bulgarian mobile operators usually work in Cuba if they are adapted to North American standards and have roaming. Cubacel should be contacted on +53 52642266 if a card is required from a local mobile operator.


Travel papers and visas

Bulgarian citizens must have a visa issued by the relevant Cuban embassy or a tourist card, which can be obtained from tour operators when purchasing a travel package.
It is necessary that 72 hours prior to travel, all travelers register at www.dviajeros.mitrans.gov.cu/inicio where they will receive a QR code that must be presented to border authorities upon arrival. Without it, access to the country may be denied.
The passport must be valid for six months from entry into the country. It is advisable to have at least two blank pages for affixing the relevant stamps.
Visitors to Cuba should refrain from carrying out any commercial activity when traveling on a tourist visa. When traveling on business, a business visa must be obtained in advance. For cultural events, it is also necessary to obtain an appropriate cultural visa.

Cuba does not recognise dual nationality. Bulgarian citizens with Cuban citizenship should enter Cuba with their Cuban passport. They must show a valid Bulgarian passport to leave Cuba.
Bulgarians who were born in Cuba and do not have a Cuban passport may have problems entering and leaving Cuba and should check with the Cuban Embassy in Sofia to see if they meet Cuban immigration regulations.
Marrying a Cuban national does not automatically mean obtaining a residence permit in Cuba. A personal visa should be obtained for residence in the spouse's home, which grants the right to register with the local authorities. Failure to comply with these provisions may result in the Cuban national (spouse) being fined or even sentenced to imprisonment.
Cuban authorities have increased health screening upon entry into the country, including at José Martí International Airport in Havana. If arrivals have a high fever or symptoms of infectious diseases and illnesses such as zika, they may be subject to a medical examination. In some cases, placement under medical observation for up to 10 days is possible.

Travel of children under 18

In the case of travel by children under 18, proof of citizenship, valid travel documents and certified written consent /authorisation/ from one or both parents, as appropriate, must be provided.
For visa information other than that specified in these recommendations, travellers should contact the Embassy of Cuba in the Republic of Bulgaria /at the above address/ or the relevant diplomatic/consular representation of Cuba in the country of residence.


Consular service

Endorsements and legalisations:

Cuba is not a party to the Hague Convention on the Apostille of Public Acts.

The procedure for the authentication and legalisation of documents from Cuba intended for the Republic of Bulgaria is as follows:

- certified by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Cuba;

- the certification of the Cuban Ministry of Foreign Affairs is certified by the Embassy of the Republic of Cuba
the Bulgarian Embassy in Cuba.

Certification procedure for documents from the Republic of Bulgaria intended for for use in the territory of Cuba:

- Certification by the Bulgarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs;

- certification by the Embassy of Cuba in Sofia;

- certification by the Cuban Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The documents so endorsed must be accompanied by a translation certified in the same established procedure.

Preparation of identity documents:

Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria in Cuba is provided with technical equipment for the taking of biometric data - fingerprints and photograph, which allows the acceptance of applications for the issue of new passports, identity cards and ID cards.

The Consular Service of the Embassy accepts applications for temporary passports.

Bulgarian citizens in the territory of the Dominican Republic, Jamaica and other countries covered by the Consular Service of the Embassy, may be granted assistance for the issuance of an ETD (Emergency travel document) by Embassy of another EU Member State based in the country concerned.

Civil Status:

In case of birth, marriage or death on the territory of Cuba, the relevant Cuban documents - birth, marriage and death certificates, certified by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Cuba, shall be presented for certification by the Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria in Havana.


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