Diplomatic missions



Australia and Oceania


North America

South America


Last update 16 January 2025Diplomatic missions

Risk index

Level 3: Avoid non-essiential travel (Do not travel in certain areas of the country unless necessary)


Select passport type

Regular passport: visa not required

Diplomatic passport: visa not required

Official passport: visa not required

Republic of Peru

The Republic of Bulgaria does not have a functioning embassy in Lima. The Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria in Brasilia, Federative Republic of Brazil is accredited for Peru.

Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria in the Federative Republic of Brazil
Address: SEN 803, Asa Norte, CEP: 70800-911, Brasilia, DF, Brasil
Telephone: +55 61 32236193;
Fax +55 61 33233285
Out-of-hours hotline: +55 61 986023360
Working hours: 09:00 – 17:30
Е-mail: [email protected] 
Website: www.mfa.bg/embassies/brazil

Embassy of the Republic of Peru in Athens (accredited for Bulgaria)
Address: 115 28 Athеnes, 2, rue Semitelou
Telephone: +30 210 779 27 61
Fax: +30 210 779 29 05
Working hours: 09:00 – 17:00
Е-mail: [email protected]

For further information contact:
Embassy of the Republic of Peru in Germany
Address: Mohrenstr. 42, 5. Etage; 10117 Berlin
Telephone: +30 20 64 10 3
Fax: +30 20 64 10 77
E-mail: [email protected]

Embassy of the Republic of Peru in the Czech Republic
Address: Muchova 9, 160 00 Praha 6 – Dejvice
Telephone: +224 316 210, +224 315 741
Fax: +224 314 749
E-mail: [email protected], [email protected],
[email protected], [email protected],
Website: www.peru-embajada.cz

General information

General information

Security level:

There are unceasing protests and riots in the country as a result of political events. Separate regions periodically declare a state of emergency. Main roadways as well as secondary roads in the country often remain blocked. Airports remained blocked on several occasions in recent months. The government of Peru has set up an online platform where tourists who are in danger or in difficulty can register: https://forms.office.com/pages/responsepage.aspx?id=Rq8KH-OHR0iaXdduDl9gTRWM3wlirE5Pq1X2RSdihjZUN1NSS0pVUjdMR0NNOURLNjRMNEFCSDNBTi4u

High level of crime. Security risks arise from the activities of criminal groups engaged in robberies and attacks (especially in towns such as Trujillo, Ica and Chiclayo) or drug trafficking in areas of the country with insufficient police and armed presence, such as the Apurimac, Ene and Mantaro river valleys (the region is known as VRAEM). Since these areas are relatively close to the tourist attractions in Cusco, it is advisable to avoid routes through VRAEM for unorganized tourism. Vigilance and caution should be exercised when visiting the 20 km zone along the border with Colombia, as it is believed that paramilitary groups still active in Colombia may use this area as a base for their activities, including drug trafficking. It is necessary to follow the instructions of the local authorities in the region around the border with Ecuador, which has not yet been completely cleared of landmines.

ATTENTION!!! Some criminals pretend to be tour operators or taxi drivers, which is why vigilance should be paid. Use the services of authorized travel agencies!


Visitors are advised to have vaccinations against yellow fever, smallpox, typhoid, hepatitis and malaria. Public hospitals in Peru do not provide free health services to foreigners, so it is advisable to take out medical insurance before arriving in the country.

Specifics of the local legislation:

The country is known as a producer of cocaine. A number of international programmes have consistent policies to combat drug production and trafficking. The international airports of Peru are equipped with state-of-the-art drug trafficking control equipment. The minimum sentence for drug trafficking is 5 years.
Travellers are advised to avoid acquiring and importing into the Republic of Bulgaria goods containing coca leaf (e.g. chocolate, tea and similar food products), even if they are manufactured and legally distributed commercially in the territory of the Republic of Peru.
In Peru, significant fines are imposed for damaging tourist sites, and in Machu Picchu every tourist is obliged to strictly comply with all instructions, including bans on access to certain places.
In Peru, it is prohibited to take pictures of military installations, equipment or places near military sites.

Customs requirements:

You can enter Peru with a maximum of one laptop and two mobile phones per passenger without paying taxes. You should familiarise yourself with immigration and customs procedures in Peru before entering the country.
Luggage which may be deemed to be for personal use shall not be subject to customs duty. Enhanced checks are being carried out when people leave the country to comply with the ban on the export of original archaeological artefacts, including fossils and objects relating to Peru's pre-colonial history. It is recommended that replicas of such items be purchased only in licensed stores, and such goods must be accompanied by a permit from the National Institute of Culture of Peru. It is also illegal to export rare animal or plant species, including possible retention of goods and souvenirs containing rare insects, bird feathers or plants. Where such offences are found, substantial fines are imposed and imprisonment may be ordered.
The import and export without declaration of amounts of money up to USD 10,000 or their equivalent in another currency is allowed. A declaration must be completed for import of amounts between USD 10,000 and USD 30,000 or their equivalent in another currency. Import of larger amounts is not permitted unless permission is obtained from a company licensed by the General Department of Banking and Security of Peru.
When travelling to Peru with pets (dogs and cats), it is compulsory to present deworming and vaccination certificates. When importing other animal species (parrots, reptiles, primates) it is mandatory to obtain a sanitary permit.

Road traffic:

The International Driving Licence can be used in Peru.

Practical advice:

An average tourist usually needs between USD 25 – USD 100 per day.
Bargaining is normal in the country, especially for taxi drivers.
The best places to exchange money are usually casas de cambio (foreign exchange bureaus). US dollars and the Euro are the easiest currencies to exchange.
The passport and travel card must be carried at all times.
For security reasons, tourists are advised to carry a photocopy of both documents and keep them in a separate place from the originals.
The use of US dollars for payment is possible in hotels and restaurants in the capital Lima. Credit card payments are not a popular payment method and are only possible in larger shops, restaurants and hotels, and it is common practice to require proof of identity.
Given the high number of credit card forgery crimes, most banks have introduced ATM withdrawal limits. Before travelling to Peru, it is recommended to contact the relevant bank to obtain information on withdrawal limits and the eligibility of multiple withdrawals from ATMs in Peru.
When visiting nightclubs, it is recommended that ordered drinks and food are not left unattended as it is common practice for criminal groups to place prohibited substances in order to facilitate the commission of a robbery.

Local currency:

Nuevo sol; USD 1.00 = PEN 3.30


Although Peru is a country that is located on the Equator, it has a predominantly tropical and equatorial climate. There is only 1 season characterized by high rainfall in the equatorial climate zone. There are two seasons — winter and summer, with tropical winds in the tropical zone.
The entire territory of Peru is located on a seismic zone (the so-called Pacific Ring of Fire) and earthquakes of various magnitudes are not uncommon, most of them not causing significant material damage. Volcanic activity has also been recorded in the country, particularly in the Semaya Plateau around the Ubinas volcano near the border with Bolivia. Unorganized tourist visits are also not recommended in this area due to the low temperatures during most of the year.
When visiting some of the major tourist sites - Cusco, Machu Picchu, Lake Titicaca, the high altitude should be taken into account, which can be the cause of fainting and the need for medical attention.
During June—September period rainfall in Peru's central highlands is significant, increasing the risk of landslides.
When travelling in the desert parts of the country (in the south of the country), the poor condition of the roads and the high risk of traffic accidents must be taken into account, as well as the possibility that the signal on mobile phones and GPS devices may not be good. Large temperature amplitudes in these areas also pose health risks.
Given the significant risk of earthquakes, volcanic activity, landslides and floods in Peru, it is common practice to declare local emergencies. In most cases, the measure is resorted to in order to secure funds from the national budget for the response. In such situations, bans on movement in certain areas are introduced and it is recommended not to consume water from local water sources and to take precautions (in case of volcanic activity) to protect the respiratory tract from fine particulate matter. It is recommended that it be explicitly clarified with insurance companies how declaring a state of emergency may affect health insurance coverage.
For areas where a state of emergency has been declared, information can be obtained from the Peruvian National Institute of Civil Defense (INDECI).

Interesting facts:

Peru boasts some of the most spectacular natural scenery in all of South America. The beautiful Peruvian Andes are home to the local natives who still speak the ancient Indian language Quechua and maintain a traditional lifestyle. Peru has had a rich cultural life in the ancient Inca capital of Cusco and the lost city of Machu Picchu thousands of years before the Spanish conquistadors arrived.
Official languages - Spanish, Quechua and Aymara.

Travel papers and visas

The passport must be valid for at least 6 months from the date of entry. Bulgarian tourists can stay in Peru for up to 90 days without a visa. Persons travelling by plane need to pay an airport fee of USD 30.
Tourists are issued a permit for 30 to 90 days of stay, which is stamped in their passports and on the tourist card which must be returned when leaving the country. The actual length of stay is determined by the immigration officer upon entry.
A 30-day visa extension costs about USD 50 and can be obtained at immigration offices in major cities.
The stay may be extended up to a total of 180 days.
However, it must be borne in mind that if travelling to Peru on business, a business visa is compulsory. Upon arrival in Peru, the holder of a business visa must register with the Dirección General de Contribuciones for tax purposes. The business visa is valid for 183 days. For the extension of the visit, an application must be submitted to the Dirección General de Migraciones.
Overstaying the visa will result in a fine, which must be paid before leaving Peru. The amount of the fine varies, and in general a fine of USD 1 is payable for each day of overstay.
The following documents are required for a business visa:
- a valid passport;
- a fully completed and signed visa application form;
- one colour photograph (passport size, white background);
- a return ticket or reservation stating the dates of arrival and departure from Peru;
- a paid fee of USD 30;
- a letter from your employer confirming your employment status and the nature of your business activity in Peru. The letter must necessarily contain the passport number and state that all costs are covered by the employer;
- proof of solvency of the sending firm or company.
If the travel is related to a Peruvian colleague, a letter from the Peruvian company signed by a company representative is required and the Peruvian ID or passport number and/or identity card number of a foreigner must be noted.

Consular service

European Emergency Travel Document:

In case of emergency (such as a lost passport), Bulgarian citizens can seek on-the-spot assistance from a diplomatic mission of an EU Member State to obtain an Emergency Travel Document.

Certifications and legalizations:

Republic of Bulgaria and Republic of Peru are parties to the 1961 Hague Convention on the Abolition of the Requirement of Legalisation of Foreign Public Documents. Therefore, the documents/deeds drawn up in each of the two countries should bear an ‘Apostille’ by the respective Ministry of Foreign Affairs, as well as translated and duly authenticated in order to serve before the authorities of the other country.

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