Message from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
27 November 2023 News
In connection with the media inquiries, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs informs about the following:
On the grounds of a request received from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of North Macedonia, in its capacity as the OSCE Chairperson-in-Office for 2023 and organiser of the 30th OSCE Ministerial Council Meeting in Skopje on 29 November — 1 December 2023, to provide permission for delegations to fly over for participation in the forthcoming OSCE Ministerial Council, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Bulgaria has granted permission for the Rossiya Special Flying Squad to fly through the airspace of the Republic of Bulgaria to transport a delegation for participation in the international forum.
Diplomatic overflight clearance is temporary and valid 3 hours before and 72 hours after the scheduled overflight date and time.
The permission is granted to Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov to attend the OSCE Council of Ministers meeting in Skopje and falls under the exceptions to the application of the EU sanctions regime against him. The permission given does not apply to members of his delegation, who are also sanctioned persons under current EU law, which is explicitly mentioned in the Bulgarian side's reply note.