Detailed information on the preparation of the elections for National Assembly abroad was presented at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
08 September 2022 News
А regular press briefing of the Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson of the Working Group “Elections”, Permanent Secretary Ivan Kondov and Mr. Kalin Anastasov took place today at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs . The group is coordinating the conduct of the National Assembly elections on 2 October 2022 abroad.
In view of the 6 September deadline for the submission of applications for voting abroad, the first stage of the preparation of the elections abroad is over.
According to the analysis of the Working Group “Elections” of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the number of polling stations abroad this time will be just over 740, but the final number is expected to be announced by the Central Electoral Commission.
The second stage of preparation is still to come, namely the appointment of the Sectional Electoral Commissions, the sending of the ballot papers and machines abroad and the secondment of state representatives to the SECs. This is the more complicated and busy stage of the preparation of the vote abroad, Mr Ivan Kondov stressed.
As for the permissions to hold our elections abroad the permissions of Germany, Italy, Canada and Austria are still awaited - these countries give their consent only after they receive the exact addresses where the electoral commission will be located, but in principle, no problems are expected.
The number of our compatriots who applied to vote by September 6 is 50 865 - by comparison, in the last elections it was 56 658. Just over 230,000 people voted in the last elections, so it is expected that those registered “under the line” on voting day will be no less than 150,000, said Kalin Anastasov, deputy chairperson of WG “Elections”.
It was recalled that in the elections on 2 October this year it would not be possible to vote with expired identity documents.
The largest number of polling stations is expected to be opened in Europe - in the UK and Northern Ireland - about 120, in Germany - 77, in Spain - 65, in South-Eastern Europe - 217, in Eastern and Central Europe - 15; in Turkey - 165; in the USA - 55. An estimated 14 sections will be opened in Asia, Australia and Oceania, 15 in the Middle East and Africa and 70 in America.
Around 700 thousand ballot papers and election papers are to be sent and 4,200 people are to be appointed as SEC members.
Among the detailed information about the vote, it was also noted that the October elections abroad are expected to vote with 525 machines in 290 polling stations, with two machines in most of the polling stations. This is 100 machines more than the previous election in November 2021.