Media statement by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and National Commission to Combat Trafficking in Persons
25 July 2013Media statement by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and National Commission to Combat Trafficking in Persons
Group of Bulgarians already arrived in the country
The season for picking blueberries begins at the end of this week
Travelling for seasonal work abroad is in full swing and groups of Bulgarian citizens have already arrived in various European countries for agricultural work. Small groups of people continue to arrive and currentlyare in Sweden to pick berries in the country.
As the National Commission for Combating Trafficking in Persons and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced in the middle of this month, it is expected that the blueberry crop this year will ripen later. The fruit will be suitable for picking at the end of this week and the beginning of August. Despite the existence of numerous blooms of wild blueberry bushes in the spring, a good harvestis not expected. Also currently in stock is about 7000 tons of frozen fruit in processing plants from last year. The expected purchase price is very low, but it is still too early to say what precisely what it will be. At times of a reduced purchase price, it is expected that illegitimate resellerswill be buying fruit, further undercuting the real price of blueberries.
Estimates about the blueberry harvest in Finland this yearare similar.
Therefore, before you go to pick blueberries in Sweden, note the following important points:
• Picking blueberries is allowed depending on the public right of access, even on a large scale for commercial purposes;
• Never pick berries, fruits, vegetables and other items from yards and fields;
• Picking blueberries should not create trouble for landowners;
• You can sleep in a tent on the land for a few nights while working but do not damage branches, shrubs, trees, and do not contaminate the area with waste;
• In relation to consular rules, the Embassy can provide financial support for travel expenses to the country of origin only if friends and / or relatives of a person resident in Sweden deposits the required amount;
• You must have health insurance with full coverage for medical expenses, valid for your entire stay in Sweden;
• If you get into trouble, the municipality where you are located is the first responsible authority which should help you;
• It is important to know that people who have no intention of looking for work are not entitled to receive financial support in the long term;
• To obtain the right to stay in Sweden for more than three months, a person has to be employed, a student or self-employed;
Be cautious when you are leaving to work abroad, especially when it comes to seasonal work. There are many risk factors in this situation – people who go to pick blueberries in Sweden often have no pre-arranged accommodation in regions in which the fruit is harvested. Many people stay in misery, sleeping in the open without the basic essentials. Their lives depend on weather conditions and the results of the harvest of fruit that each year can be different. This uncertainty of production and income, as well as new requirements for dealers berries in Sweden to buy fruit from licensed companies, can leave many Bulgarian citizens stranded outside the home without means to return.
Single European emergency number 112 (completely free, free roaming, dial without code)
National Commission for Combating Trafficking in Human Beings - + 359 2 807 80 50 (opening hours: Monday to Friday from 9am to 5.30pm)
Local Commissions for Combating Trafficking in Human Beings in the towns of Blagoevgrad, tel: + 359 73 86 77 77; Bourgas, tel: + 359 56 814 218, Varna, phone: + 359 52 820 677, Veliko Turnovo, phone : + 359 62 619 222; Montana, tel: + 359 96305 471, Pazardzhik, tel: + 359 34 402 241, Plovdiv, +359 32622136, Rousse, Phone: + 359 82841918, Sliven, + 359 44 61 11 02
Executive Agency "General Labour Inspectorate" - hotline - 0700 17 670
Addresses of diplomatic missions of the Republic of Bulgaria abroad:
Austria (Vienna): Address: 1040 Vienna, Schwindgasse 8, tel: +43 1 505 31 13 +43 1 505 64 44; e-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]
Office of Labour and Social Affairs at the Embassy of Bulgaria in Austria
Contact: Dr. Tinka Troeva
Schwindgasse 8
Wien 1040
Tel.: +43 (1) 505 31 13 Tel. +49 30206 74939
Fax: +49 (1) 505 14 23
E-Mail: [email protected]
Belgium (Brussels): Address: 7 Mosiki Street,1180 Brussels, tel: +32 2 374 47 88 duty hours + 32473981042; e-mail: [email protected]
Consular Office: Rue Copernic, 4C Bruxelles 1180, Uccle; tel: +32 2 374 59 63;
UK (London): Address: 186-188 Queen's Gate, London SW7 5HL; +44 (0) 20 7581 3144, +44 (0) 20 7584 9400; duty hours + 4475813144, + 4475849400; Consular Office +44 (0) 20 75893736; e-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]
Office of Labour and Social Affairs - Embassy of Republic of Bulgaria in the UK
Todor Krastev - Head of LSIO London, First Secretary of Labour and Social Affairs
Address: 186-188 Queen's Gate, London SW7 5HL
Tel / Fax: +44 207 584 1960
Tel: +44 20 7581 3144
E-mail: t.krastev @
web page:
Embassy in Berlin: Address: Mauerstrasse 11, 10117 Berlin; tel: +4930 201 0922, +4930 201 0923, +4930 201 0924, +4930 201 0925, +4930 201 0926, Emergency Telephone: 0049 176 12299190; Consular Office: +44 (0) 20 75893736; e-mail: Embassy.Berlin @; [email protected]
Consular Munich: Address: Walhallastraße 7 80639 München; Phone: +49 14 89171176, +49 15 89171176; duty hours service: +49172888 10 56; e-mail: Consulate.Munchen @
Office of Labor and Social Affairs
Dr. Tinka Troeva Head
10117 BERLIN
Office of Labor and Social Affairs is located in the embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria in Berlin. Embassy is within walking distance from the famous "Checkpoint Charlie", a hundred meters from Friedrichstrassestreet.
Phone / Fax: Tel.: 0049 (0) 30/206 74 939; Fax: 0049 (0) 30/206 74 947
E-mail: [email protected]
Greece (Athens): Address: Greece, 15452 Athens, 33-A Stratigou Kallari Str., Paleo Psychico;: +30 106 2106748, +30 105 2106748, +30 107 2106748, +30 108 2106748; after hours hotline: +30 6937 096 220; e-mail: Embassy.Athens @
Office of Labour and Social Affairs
Ekaterina Dimitrova Kunadis, LSIOs - Athens and Nicosia
Head of Labour and Social Affairs Office
Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria
Greece, Athens - Paleo Psychico, 33A Stratigou Kallari st. 154 52
Tel: 0030 210 67 44 680
Fax: 0030 210 67 44 682
e-mail: [email protected]
Ireland (Dublin): Address: 22 Burlington Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4, tel: +353 1 660 32 93, +353 1 660 30 22; duty hours +353 86 8167497; e-mail: [email protected]
Office of Labor and social issues - Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria to the Republic of Ireland
Todor Krastev - Head of LSIO Dublin, first secretary for labor and sotsialvi questions
Address: 186-188 Queen's Gate, London SW7 5HL
Tel / Fax: +44 207 584 1960
Tel: +44 20 7581 3144
E-mail :: t.krastev @
web page
Spain (Madrid): Address: Travesía de Santa María Magdalena 15, 28016 Madrid; tel: +34913455761, +34913456651, +34913597611, duty hours service + 34913455761, + 34 913 456 651; e-mail: Embassy.Madrid @
Office of Labor and social issues;
Raymond Saparev, / Raymond Saparev / LSIOs - Spain
Consejero, Oficina de asuntos laborales y sociales
Embajada de la Republica de Bulgaria
Travesia "Santa Maria Magdalena" 15, 28016 Madrid
Tel.: 0034 913 455 761 (ext. 222)
Tel. / Fax: 0034 917 030 065
e-mail: [email protected], [email protected]
Embassy e-mail: [email protected]
Italy (Rome): Address: Via Pietro Paolo Rubens, 21, 00197 ROMA; tel +39 6322 46 40, +39 46 43 6322; duty hours service + 39 06 322 46 40, + 39 06 322 46 43; e-mail: Embassy.Roma @
Cyprus (Nicosia): Address: 13, Konstantinou Paleologou, 2406, Engomi, Nicosia; tel: +357 22 67 27 40, +357 22 67 24 86; duty hours service +357 22 67 27 40; e- mail: Embassy.Nicosia @
Office of Labor and social issues;
Ekaterina Dimitrova Kunadis, / Ekaterina Ivanova Kunadis / LSIOs - Athens and Nicosia
Head of Labour and Social Affairs Office
Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria
Greece, Athens - Paleo Psychico, 33A Stratigou Kallari st. 154 52
Tel: 0030 210 67 44 680
Fax: 0030 210 67 44 682
e-mail: [email protected]
Embassy e-mail: [email protected]
Netherlands (The Hague): Address: The Netherlands, The Hague, Duinroosweg 9, tel: +31 70 350 30 51, +31 70 354 08 76; duty hours service + 31657448073; e-mail: Embassy.Hague @
Poland (Warsaw): Address: Al. Ujazdowskie 33/35, 00-540 Warszawa / Poland; tel +48 22 629 40 71, +48 22 629 40 72 +48 22 629 40 73, +48 22 629 40 74, +48 22 629 40 75; duty hours service: + 48 22 629 40 71/72; e-mail: Embassy.Warsaw @; Consular.Warsaw @
Portugal (Lisbon): Address: Rua do Sacramento a Lapa, 31, 1200-792 Lisboa, Portugal; tel: +351213976364, +351213976367, duty-hours phone: +351933611337; Consular office: mobile: +351933611337 - emergency after hours and on weekends and holidays; e-mail: Embassy.Lisbon @
Hungary (Budapest): Address: Andrássy Blvd № 115 1062 Budapest Hungary Tel: +36 1 322 08 24, +36 1 322 08 36, +36 1 342 37 38; duty hours service + 36 20 534 4559; e-mail: Embassy.Budapest @
Czech Republic (Prague): Address: Praha 1, ul. Krakovska 6, tel: +420 12 011 2222, +420222211258; duty hours service + 420774790991; Consulate: +420222 211727, +420222 210229; e-mail: Embassy.Prague @
Sweden (Stockholm): Address: Karlavägen 29, 11431 Stockholm; tel +46 8 20 67 13, +46 8 723 09 38; duty hours service +46 707 797 155, +46 765 958 331; e-mail: Embassy.Stockholm @
International Organization for Migration - hotline - + 359 2 939 47 77
For victims of violence:
Animus Association - + 359 2 981 76 86
Foundation "Center Nadia" - hotline for missing children 116 000
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