New increase in the number of visas issued to Russian tourists
02 May 2012 News
Between January and the end of April 2012, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has issued a total of 70 443 visas in various countries. Of these, the largest number was in the Russian Federation, 40 501, seven per cent more than in January – April 2011.
With the summer season approaching, the Ministry is continuing to expand facilitated visa issuance.
Thanks to contracts for visa services with VFS Global, there are nine visa outsourcing centres operating in the Russian Federation, and the opening of seven further centres is pending.
Seven visa outsourcing centres are operating in Turkey and eight in the Ukraine. Centres have been opened in Kazakhstan, United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Bahrain, Oman and Saudi Arabia.
It is expected that by the end of 2012, contracts will be concluded for visa export centres in South Africa, Jordan or Lebanon, India, Indonesia, Belarus and Moldova.