Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Foreign Affairs Mariya Gabriel will participate in a ministerial forum on cooperation with the Indo-Pacific region, in the EU-Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) ministerial meeting and in the informal meeting of EU foreign ministers Gymnich in Brussels
02 February 2024 Diplomatic Calendar
Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Foreign Affairs Mariya Gabriel will take part in the Ministerial Forum on Cooperation with the Indo-Pacific, the EU-ASEAN Ministerial Meeting and the informal meeting of EU Foreign Ministers Gymnich in Brussels on 2-3 February 2024.
The Indo-Pacific Ministerial Cooperation Forum provides an opportunity to discuss common challenges and demonstrate EU unity and commitment to the region. The format contributes to strengthening interregional cooperation in the context of current challenges.
EU-ASEAN ministerial meetings are the main format of the political dialogue between the two organisations. It is foreseen to discuss developments in cooperation and common positions on topical issues on the regional and global agenda.
At the informal meeting, Gymnich will discuss EU — Africa relations, Ukraine and EU — Turkey relations.
Within the three forums, Deputy Prime Minister Mariya Gabriel will also hold a number of bilateral meetings.