Diplomatic missions



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Russia, Moscow, Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria

News All news
Commissioning of a new version of the National Visa Information System
Commissioning of a new version of the National Visa Information System
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is in the process of implementing a large-scale project, coordinated in advance with all responsible institutions in Bulgaria and the EU, including the implementation and launch of a new version of the National Visa Information System (NVIS). The technological implementation of the works requires the temporary suspension of...
06 August 2024
  • 1
Guide to the Media accredited to cover the visit of Pope Francis to Bulgaria

Guide to the Media accredited to cover the visit of Pope Francis to Bulgaria

Receipt of Badges: The distribution of the special accreditation for the media to cover the apostolic journey of Pope Francis in Bulgaria will be done on 2 May 2019, within the timeframes specified below (only in these time slots). The badges that will be provided are personalized – named and non-transferable, i.e. they cannot be used for access by...
01 May 2019
Want to study in Europe?

Want to study in Europe?

Want to study in Europe? Meet representatives of higher education institutions from Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Netherlands, Poland, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom! Visit the Study in Europe Online Seminars for...
10 March 2017

Teams from three ministries are working to resolve the problem of transporting Russian tourists from Bourgas Airport

Acting on the instructions of Prime Minister Boyko Borissov, teams from three ministries are working to resolve the problem of Russian travellers stranded at Bourgas Airport. The ministries are those of Transport and Communications, Economy and Energy and Foreign Affairs. On September 9, Bulgaria Air cancelled all flights ordered by tour operator Alma...
10 September 2011

Bulgarian consular service in Moscow issued a record number of visas

In the first five months of 2011 the Bulgarian Consular Office in Russia has issued 53% more visas compared to the same period in 2010 /56 050 visas/ and 106% more than in 2009 /41 410/. Since 25 May the average daily amount of issued visas has been 4000, while on that day the number of issued visas has reached the record 4760. After the May holidays,...
01 June 2011
News MFA All news
The Consul of the Republic of Bulgaria in the Kingdom of Sweden visited the Bulgarian citizens — crew members of the detained ship ‘Vezhen’

The Consul of the Republic of Bulgaria in the Kingdom of Sweden visited the Bulgarian citizens — crew members of the detained ship ‘Vezhen’

Today the Bulgarian citizens — members of the crew of the detained ship ‘Vezhen’ were visited by the Head of the Consular Service at the Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria in the Kingdom of Sweden Stefan Stoykov. The consul met all 8 Bulgarians on board and had the opportunity to talk with them for three hours. They are in good health,...
01 February 2025
The Minister of Foreign Affairs participates in a commemoration of the Memorial to the Victims of the Communist Regime in Sofia

The Minister of Foreign Affairs participates in a commemoration of the Memorial to the Victims of the Communist Regime in Sofia

Minister of Foreign Affairs Georg Georgiev took part in the commemoration of the Memorial of the Victims of the Communist Regime in Sofia, as a sign of respect and gratitude to all those who died and suffered from the repression of the totalitarian regime. The event brought together representatives of the government, public organizations and citizens who...
01 February 2025
Georg Georgiev talks with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the State of Israel

Georg Georgiev talks with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the State of Israel

Earlier today, Minister Georg Georgiev held a telephone conversation with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the State of Israel, Gideon Sa’ar. They discussed the latest developments in the Middle East region, including the practical implementation of the ceasefire agreement in Gaza and the release of all hostages. The Bulgarian Foreign Minister...
31 January 2025
Bilateral political consultations between Bulgaria and Austria

Bilateral political consultations between Bulgaria and Austria

On 31 January 2025, bilateral political consultations between Bulgaria and Austria were held at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The Bulgarian delegation was headed by the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Elena Shekerletova and the Austrian delegation — by the Secretary General of the Austrian Federal Ministry for European and...
31 January 2025

Посолство на Република България в Москва, Руска Федерация
Адрес: Москва 115127, Мосфильмовская ул., № 66
Тел. в работно и извънработно време: + 7 495 234 02 26
Факс: +7 495 232 33 02
Работно време на посолството: от 09:00-13:00 и 14:00-17:30
Е-mail: [email protected] , [email protected]

Телефон за екстрена връзка: 007-910-457-2835
Внимание! Този телефон е предназначен изключително за обаждания на български граждани, намиращи се в Русия, в ЕКСТРЕНИ СЛУЧАИ (ако Вашият живот е застрашен, ако сте пострадали в резултат на противоправни действия на трети лица, терористичен акт, природна катастрофа и др.). 
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Консулска служба
Приемно време - 09:00 - 12:00 ч.
Информация и консултации: 15:00- 17:00 ч. на тел.:
+7 499 143 62 30 ; факс: +7 499 143 62 13
Български културен институт в Москва



Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria
Address: Moscow 115127, 66, Mosfilmovskaya Street
Telephone: + 7 495 234 02 26; Fax: +7 495 232 33 02
Оut-of-hours  hotline: + 7 495 234 02 26
Office hours: 09:00 - 17:30 h
Е-mail: [email protected]
Consular section
office hours - 09:00 - 12:00 h
Telephone : +7 499 143 62 30 ; 15:00 – 17:00 h
Bulgarian Cultural Institute in Moscow
[email protected]

Посольство Республики Болгария в Москве
Адрес: Москва 115127, Мосфильмовская ул., дом 66
Телефон Посольства: + 7 495 234 02 26
Факс: +7 495 232 33 02
Часы работы: 9:00 до 13:00 и с 14:00 до 17:30
Е-mail:[email protected]

Консульская служба:
Информация и консультации с 15:00 до 17:00 ч. по телефону:
+7 499 143 62 30; факс: +7 499 143 62 13
Приемное время: с 9:00 до 12:00 (кроме выходных)

Болгарский культурный институт в Москве

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