Parade of Bulgaria and Proclamation, Bulgarians in Chicago celebrated May 24, Day of the Bulgarian Alphabet and Culture
25 May 2023 News
Thousands of Bulgarians in Chicago took part in the Parade of Bulgaria on the occasion of May 24, the Day of the holy brothers Cyril and Methodius, of the Bulgarian alphabet, education and culture. Among the official guests was the Mayor of the Village of Elk Grove Village, Illinois, Craig Johnson, and Trustee Tammy Miller.
With his Proclamation, Mayor Johnson recognized May 24 as the Day of the Bulgarian Alphabet and Culture. All thirteen Bulgarian Sunday schools in Chicago, folklore ensembles, cultural centers and patriotic organizations took part in the parade. "The Bulgarians in Chicago gave an example to their compatriots around the world that they can stand united behind national causes, protect their alphabet, language, culture and traditions, as an expression of their Bulgarian identity," commented Consul General Svetoslav Stankov. He addressed the Bulgarian teachers with the words "Deep respect to Bulgarian teachers around the world, the apostles of Bulgarian knowledge and enlightenment, creators of our spirituality and self-awareness as heirs of an ancient and great nation."
Among the special guests today in Chicago were the violinist Svet Radoslavov, as well as the Bulgarian pop star, Maria Ilieva.