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Georgia, Tbilisi, Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria

News All news
Commissioning of a new version of the National Visa Information System
Commissioning of a new version of the National Visa Information System
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is in the process of implementing a large-scale project, coordinated in advance with all responsible institutions in Bulgaria and the EU, including the implementation and launch of a new version of the National Visa Information System (NVIS). The technological implementation of the works requires the temporary suspension of...
06 August 2024
  • 1
CALL FOR PROPOSALS Procedure for acceptance of project proposals for grants from the Republic of Bulgaria

CALL FOR PROPOSALS Procedure for acceptance of project proposals for grants from the Republic of Bulgaria

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Bulgaria through the Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria in Georgia announces a procedure for the acceptance and selection of proposals for projects to be implemented with a grant through the Official Development Assistance of the Republic of Bulgaria, with an initial implementation period in...
11 June 2024
CALL FOR PROPOSALS Procedure for acceptance of project proposals for grants from the Republic of Bulgaria

CALL FOR PROPOSALS Procedure for acceptance of project proposals for grants from the Republic of Bulgaria

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Bulgaria through the Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria in Tbilisi, Georgia, announces a procedure for the acceptance and selection of proposals for projects to be implemented with a grant through the Official Development Assistance of the Republic of Bulgaria, with an initial implementation period in...
19 April 2023
CALL FOR PROPOSALS Procedure for acceptance of project proposals for grants from the Republic of Bulgaria

CALL FOR PROPOSALS Procedure for acceptance of project proposals for grants from the Republic of Bulgaria

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Bulgaria through the Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria in Tbilisi, Georgia, announces a procedure for the acceptance and selection of proposals for projects to be implemented with a grant through the Official Development Assistance of the Republic of Bulgaria, with an initial implementation period in...
16 May 2022
CALL FOR PROPOSALS Procedure for acceptance of project proposals for grants from the Republic of Bulgaria

CALL FOR PROPOSALS Procedure for acceptance of project proposals for grants from the Republic of Bulgaria

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Bulgaria through the Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria in Tbilisi, Georgia, announces a procedure for the acceptance and selection of proposals for projects to be implemented with a grant through the Official Development Assistance of the Republic of Bulgaria, with an initial implementation period in...
10 May 2021
News MFA All news
The Consul of the Republic of Bulgaria in the Kingdom of Sweden visited the Bulgarian citizens — crew members of the detained ship ‘Vezhen’

The Consul of the Republic of Bulgaria in the Kingdom of Sweden visited the Bulgarian citizens — crew members of the detained ship ‘Vezhen’

Today the Bulgarian citizens — members of the crew of the detained ship ‘Vezhen’ were visited by the Head of the Consular Service at the Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria in the Kingdom of Sweden Stefan Stoykov. The consul met all 8 Bulgarians on board and had the opportunity to talk with them for three hours. They are in good health,...
01 February 2025
The Minister of Foreign Affairs participates in a commemoration of the Memorial to the Victims of the Communist Regime in Sofia

The Minister of Foreign Affairs participates in a commemoration of the Memorial to the Victims of the Communist Regime in Sofia

Minister of Foreign Affairs Georg Georgiev took part in the commemoration of the Memorial of the Victims of the Communist Regime in Sofia, as a sign of respect and gratitude to all those who died and suffered from the repression of the totalitarian regime. The event brought together representatives of the government, public organizations and citizens who...
01 February 2025
Georg Georgiev talks with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the State of Israel

Georg Georgiev talks with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the State of Israel

Earlier today, Minister Georg Georgiev held a telephone conversation with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the State of Israel, Gideon Sa’ar. They discussed the latest developments in the Middle East region, including the practical implementation of the ceasefire agreement in Gaza and the release of all hostages. The Bulgarian Foreign Minister...
31 January 2025
Bilateral political consultations between Bulgaria and Austria

Bilateral political consultations between Bulgaria and Austria

On 31 January 2025, bilateral political consultations between Bulgaria and Austria were held at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The Bulgarian delegation was headed by the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Elena Shekerletova and the Austrian delegation — by the Secretary General of the Austrian Federal Ministry for European and...
31 January 2025

Посолство на Република България в Тбилиси, Грузия
Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria in Tbilisi, Georgia

Ръководител: Веселин Вълканов - посланик на Р България в Грузия

Часови разлики със София: лятно: +1 час; зимно: +2 часа

Адрес: ул. Гиорги Гурамишвили № 15, 0105 Тбилиси, Грузия
15, Giorgi Guramishvili  Str., Turn I, Tbilisi 0105,  Georgia

Секретариат: +995 32 291 01 94; +995 32 291 01 95; +995 32 272 22 63;

Секретариат – мобилен телефон: +995 577 58 51 52

Консулска служба: +995 32 272 22 65

Спешни консулски случаи – мобилен телефон: +995 577 23 30 30
Работно време на посолството: По - Пт, 10.30 -18.30 ч.
Приемно време на консулската служба: 10:00 ч. - 12:30 ч. (препоръчително предварително записване по тел.). Записване на час, информация, консултация по консулски въпроси: понеделник-петък от 14.00 до 16.00 ч. на телефон: +995 32 272 22 65
Е-mail: [email protected] 
Е-mail на Консулска служба - [email protected]


Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria to Georgia

Address: 15 Giorgi Guramishvili  Str., Turn I, 0105 Tbilisi, Georgia
+99 532 291 01 94 
+99 532 291 01 95

+995 32 272 22 63

+995 32 272 22 65

+995 577 58 51 52

Оut-of-hours hotline for consular cases:
+995 577 23 30 30
Office hours: Mon - Fri, 10.00 - 18.30 h
Consular hours:
Mon - Fri, 10:00 - 12:30 (previous appointment recommended)

For questions and information related to consular issues, as well as to book an appointment: Mon - Fri, 14.00 до16.00 h: +995 32 272 22 65
E-mail: [email protected]

Consular Section email: [email protected]


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