Days of the Bulgarian Higher Education in U.A.E. – "Live and study in Bulgaria"
09 December 2018 NewsOn 4 and 5 December Dubai and Abu Dhabi hosted the first Days of the Bulgarian Higher Education in U.A.E. – "Live and study in Bulgaria" – an initiative of the Embassy of Bulgaria in Abu Dhabi, organized jointly with some leading Bulgarian universities.
The event was attended by representatives of Sofia University "St. St. Kliment Ohridski”, Technical University, the University for Architecture and Civil Engeneering, the Medical University – Plovdiv, the National Sports Academy "Vassil Levski" and others.
Within two days, numerous meetings with directors and representatives of the main secondary school chains were held in the U.A.E., including GEMS, SABIS, CIS, InnoVentures, etc., as the total number of the schools reached exceeds 80. Particular interest to the programs in medicine, pharmacy, dentistry, architecture and construction showed representatives of the Dubai International Academy, Chouefat, Canadian International School, and many students and parents.
The events took place in 2071 Area – innovation hub of the Government of Dubai and the Embassy in Abu Dhabi.
Special guest at the closing ceremony was H.E. Dr Ahmad Belhul Al Falasi - Minister of State for Higher education of the U.A.E., which will visit Bulgaria early next year, at the invitation of the Minister of education and science, Krasimir Valchev.