EU member-states ambassadors in Lisbon marked Europe Day, May 9th, in Leiria with public events organized by the Office of the European Parliament and the Representation of the European Commission in Portugal.
Australia and Oceania
North America
South America
EU member-states ambassadors in Lisbon marked Europe Day, May 9th, in Leiria with public events organized by the Office of the European Parliament and the Representation of the European Commission in Portugal.
A message for unity in the support of the EU Member States to Ukraine and its people a year after the beginning of the Russian invasion in the country.
EU member-states ambassadors in Lisbon stand in solidarity with Ukraine
Посолство на Република България в Португалия
Адрес: Rua do Sacramento a Lapa, 31, 1200-792 Lisboa, Portugal
(всички въпроси извън консулски)
+351 213971713
понеделник-петък 8:30-17:00
Консулска служба
Приемно време: 10:00 – 14:00
Информация по консулски въпроси и записване на часове за прием:
понеделник-петък 14:30 - 16:30
+351 213976364;
Дежурен телефон (само за спешни извънредни случаи):
Факс: +351 213979272
Ел. Поща: [email protected]
Служба по търговско-икономически въпроси
Ел. Поща: [email protected]
Embaixada da Republica da Bulgaria
Address: Rua do Sacramento a Lapa, 31, 1200-792 Li sboa, Portugal
(todos os assuntos exceto consulares)
+351 213971713
2ª a 6ª feira 8:30-17:00
Serviço Consular
Atendimento ao público 10:00 – 14:00
Informação consular е agendamento de atendimento presencial:
2ª a 6ª feira 14:30-16:30
+351 213976364;
+351 213976367;
Telefone de emergência (apenas casos urgentes e de emergência):
+351 933611337
Fax: +351 213979272
e-mail: [email protected]
Office of Trade and Economic Affairs
e-mail: [email protected]
Embaixada da Republica da Bulgaria
Address: Rua do Sacramento a Lapa, 31, 1200-792 Li sboa, Portugal
(todos os assuntos exceto consulares)
+351 213971713
2ª a 6ª feira 8:30-17:00
Serviço Consular
Atendimento ao público 10:00 – 14:00
Informação consular е agendamento de atendimento presencial:
2ª a 6ª feira 14:30-16:30
+351 213976364;
+351 213976367;
Telefone de emergência (apenas casos urgentes e de emergência):
+351 933611337
Fax: +351 213979272
e-mail: [email protected]
Serviço dos Assuntos Comerciais Económicos
e-mail: [email protected]