Celebrating 60th Anniversary of Establishing Diplomatic Relations between Bulgaria and Cuba
08 January 2021 NewsOn November 15-17, 2020, the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Bulgaria and Cuba was solemnly celebrated in the town of Holguín.
Holguín, situated in the Eastern part of Cuba is one of the emblematic places for the Bulgarian-Cuban relations, where thousands of Bulgarian experts worked in the 60s and 80s of the last century, providing technical expertise and assistance in different fields. Holguín is a twin town with Pernik in Bulgaria and its central hotel is named after this Bulgarian city.
The celebration began with a solemn ceremony at which Ambassador Maria Donska handed over the Bulgarian flag to Pernik hotel. The anthems of Bulgaria and Cuba were performed in live by the Chamber Orchestra of the town of Holguín.
An opening of a photo exhibition named Visual Consonances. Bulgaria and Cuba followed the ceremony. It presents ten pairs of photo panels, revealing historical, social and cultural similarities between Bulgaria and Cuba. The exhibition, which the Bulgarian Embassy donated to Pernik Hotel, attracted the interest of the attendees and the attention of the hotel guests.
The event concluded with a business forum co-organized by the Embassy and the Cuban Chamber of Commerce. Ambassador Maria Donska confirmed the interest of Bulgarian business in joint projects, as well as to continue developing trade relations with Cuba.
On the Cuban side, the event was attended by the Vice-Governor of the province of Holguín Yunia Pérez Hernández, by representatives of local authorities, cultural circles, the media and others.