Reception on the occasion of the National Day of Bulgaria
08 March 2024 NewsOn the occasion of the National Day of the Republic of Bulgaria - 3-rd March, the Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria in the Republic of Finland organized a solemn reception, which was held on March 6th, 2024. The official event took place at Katajanokan Kasino, sophisticated event venue with a 100-year history next to the Presidential Palace in Helsinki, created for the official use of senior officers during the Grand Duchy period, and after the independence of Finland - a favorite place for representatives of the Finnish military organizations.
The reception was attended by the Ambassadors and Chargé d'affaires of the embassies of the EU Member States in Finland, heads of most of the diplomatic missions of other countries accredited in Helsinki, the Chairman and Vice-chairman of the friendship group with Bulgaria in the Finnish parliament, representatives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Finland, military, teaching staff of the Bulgarian Sunday School "ABV", the Finnish-Bulgarian Friendship Society, the honorary consul of the Republic of Bulgaria based in Turku, representatives of the Bulgarian community in Finland and businessmen.
The Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Bulgaria to the Republic of Finland Mrs. Nina Simova welcomed the guests at the reception, emphasizing in her speech the historical basis of Finnish-Bulgarian relations and their modern development.
The cultural program of the reception included Bulgarian and Balkan music performed by the group “Svirki Svirjat”, consisted mainly of Finnish musicians.
In order to use the excellent opportunity to improve the recognition of Brand Bulgaria, during the entire event and through the interactive possibilities of the venue, a series of advertising video materials for our country as an attractive destination were projected, which were kindly provided in advance by the Directorate for Marketing and Advertising of the Ministry of Tourism of Bulgaria and attracted the attention of the guests.