About us
Dear visitors,
Welcome to the website of the Bulgarian Embassy in Helsinki, which represents the Republic of Bulgaria in the Republic of Finland.
The relations between Bulgaria and Finland date back to more than 100 years. Our country has not forgotten and honours the memory and the sacrifice of the Finnish soldiers, who participated in the Russo-Turkish War of 1877-1878. The traditionally friendly relations between the two countries were enriched and acquired new dimensions and perspectives with the common membership in the European Union. Our goal is to facilitate the strengthening of the political dialogue, commercial and economic exchange, the attraction of Finnish tourists to Bulgaria, the rapprochement of the two nations, the dynamic cultural and scientific links.
In our website you can find information about coming events, the Bulgarian visa regime and the consular services offered by the Embassy, the history and development of the relations between Bulgaria and Finland. Here you can find information about Bulgaria and about the possibilities it offers in the areas of business, employment, education, tourism, culture and sport.