The folklore group "Rodina" and the Embassy of Bulgaria in Ottawa represented our country at the EU Cultural Fair in the Canadian capital on July 13
16 July 2024 News
The Bulgarian folklore group "Rodina" led by Ms. Rayna Stamatova and the Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria in Ottawa represented our country during the annual EU Cultural Fair, which took place in Lansdowne Park in the Canadian capital on July 13, 2024. The event was attended by Ms. Stella Kostova, chair of the National Capital Region Bulgarian Community.
The main organizer of the festival was the Delegation of the EU in Ottawa.
The Bulgarian performance included songs and dances in folk costumes from the folklore regions Trakiyska (Thracian), Pirinska (Pirin Mountain), Severnyashka (Northern) and Shopska. The Bulgarian program ended with a horo (traditional dance) for all visitors. “Rodina” was founded in 2000 and has participated in numerous festivals in Ottawa, the provinces of Ontario and Quebec, and the United States. For its 10th anniversary, Rodina was awarded 2 gold medals by the Ministry of Culture of Bulgaria and the Executive Agency for Bulgarians Abroad. A total of 12 European countries presented their cultural programs.
The Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria in Ottawa was among the co-organizers of the event and participated with its own stand, where visitors tasted food from our country and wine, and received informational materials about Bulgaria. The brochures from the portal about the various types of tourism in our country – Black Sea, mountain, cultural, balneological, religious, wine and culinary tourism – aroused great interest. A number of participants made inquiries about our sea and mountain resorts, as well as about the significant cultural and historical sites. Some visitors also showed interested in the Bulgarian rose.
The aim of the annual festival is to make the culture, customs and traditions of the EU member states more visible and accessible and to acquaint local citizens with the uniqueness and peculiarities of individual countries and regions in Europe.