The First regular session of the Joint Executive Board of the UNDP/UNFPA/UNOPS took place in New York
07 February 2020 News
The First regular session of the Joint Executive Board of the UNDP/UNFPA/UNOPS took place from 3rd to 6th February 2020 in the UN Headquarter in New York.
The Permanent Representative of the Republic of Bulgaria H.E. Georgi Panayotov, in his capacity of Vice-President of the Board, chaired the session of the Board of Auditors recommendations to the performance of the three agencies.
He engaged actively in a dialogue with the Administrator of the UNDP and the Executive Director of the UNFPA making comments and recommendations on how to improve the functioning of those agencies and also their performance on the ground. The First regular session concluded successfully. Several country programs were extended and two decisions were adopted: on the Board of Auditors recommendations and on Working methods. The decision on Working methods was co-facilitated by Bulgaria and Botswana.