Head of Mission
head of mission
Date and place of birth: 1959, Sofia, Bulgaria
Education: Higher education - University of Economics - Prague, Czech Republic, engineer - economist
Professional career:
19 May 2021 Ambassador of the Republic of Bulgaria to the Republic of Poland
2017 – 2021 MFA - Director of the Foreign Economic Relations Directorate
2012 - 2016 Ambassador of the Republic of Bulgaria to the Slovak Republic
2008 - 2011 MFA, European Countries Department, Head of Visegrad Group Section
2005 - 2008 Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria, Prague, DHM and Chargé d' Affaires, a.i.
2003 - 2005 MFA, State Expert, Department of Eastern Europe, Section of Central Asia and Caucasian region
1999 - 2003 Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria, Prague, DHM
1993 - 1998 Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria, Bratislava, Head of Commercial and Economic Section
1992 MFA - Chief Expert on regional and economic issues - CEI and CEFTA countries
1987 - 1992 National Statistical Institute (NSI), Head of Department of Statistical Information and Analysis of Social and Demographic Development and Living Standards in Bulgaria
1985 - 1986 City Information and Sociological Center, IT- Director
1981 - 1984 Scientific Coordination Centre, State Committee for Unified Social Information System- member of the professional staff for implementation of national information systems in economic spheres
USA, FSI - State Department of USA - Diplomatic course;
European Commission - Programs TRACEСA - capacity development;
Diplomatic Academy of the RF - International Training Course for Senior Diplomats;
UNICEF - training course on economic and social aspects;
National Statistical Institutes - Austria and Norway, specializations.
Golden Medal of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Slovak Republic for contribution to enhancement of the Slovak-Bulgarian relations;
Special Plaque of the Czech EU Presidency;
Plaque of the Czech Prime Minister for Bulgaria’s assistance during 2002 devastating floods in the Czech Republic;
Silver Plaque for Bulgaria’s accession to the EU;
Plaque of the Minister of Foreign Affairs for the 100th anniversary of the Bulgarian – USA diplomatic relations;
Languages: Czech, Slovak, English, Russian
Family status: unmarried