Ambassador Konstantin Dimitrov welcomed the King’s Commissioner for Friesland Mr. Arno Brok
10 September 2021 News
On the 9th of September, 2021 H.E. Mr. Konstantin Dimitrov, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Bulgaria to the Kingdom of the Netherlands welcomed in the Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria in The Hague Mr. Arno Brok, King’s Commissioner for Friesland.
During the meeting Ambassador Dimitrov acknowledged the continuous efforts and dedication of Mr. Brok to the development of the bilateral relations between the Republic of Bulgaria and the Kingdom of the Netherlands, both during his term as Mayor of the Dutch city of Dordrecht and currently - as King’s Commissioner for Friesland. The significant contribution of Mr. Brok to the enhancement of the cooperation at local level, particularly – the excellent twinning partnership between the Bulgarian city of Varna and the Dutch city of Dordrecht, which celebrates its 20th anniversary in 2021, are highly appreciated by the Bulgarian side, which resulted with the decoration of Commissioner Brok in 2019 with the highest Bulgarian honour in this regard – the Order "Madara Horseman – I degree".
The possibility for realization of some future initiatives of mutual interest for Bulgaria and the Netherlands in the field of culture, tourism, business and innovations was also discussed, as well as the support for the continuation of the cooperation between the Bulgarian city of Plovdiv and the largest city in the province of Friesland - Leeuwarden, established within the network of the European Capitals of Culture.