Cultural program of the Embassy in the Cuban city of Holguin
24 April 2024 News
On 24 April, the Embassy realized a series of cultural events in the city of Holgin, as part of the first Week of Bulgarian Culture outside the capital Havana. In the halls of the "Pernik" hotel were exhibited the works of Dr. Petya Ilieva from the traveling exhibition "The Colors of Bulgaria". A palm tree was planted in front of the hotel as a symbol of Bulgarian-Cuban friendship and as part of the "Plant a tree for a greener planet" initiative.
Between the participants were representatives of the municipal authorities, Cubans graduated from Bulgarian universities in the 1970s, friends of Bulgaria and journalists from the national television and radio of Cuba.
In the afternoon, Dr. Petya Ilieva held a creative workshop at the elite art high school of Olgin "El Alba". The talented students presented their last exhibition with works of art in different styles. Together with Dr. Petya Ilieva, they created stained glass projects with snowdrop theme.
Ambassador Todor Kanchevski was an official guest of the "Heroes of July 26" plant, opened in 1981 with Bulgarian assistance, where Bulgarian specialists worked for a decade. On the initiative of the plant's management, a Mango tree was planted in the yard as a symbol of the strong Bulgarian-Cuban relations.