Korea Employment Agency for Persons with Disabilities to Hold Duo Day with the Ambassadors from European Union Countries in Korea
04 June 2020 NewsThe Korea Employment Agency for Persons with Disabilities (President Jong-Ran Cho, hereinafter referred to as the "semi-governmental organization") and 12 embassies in Korea from the European Union held the Duo Day together from May 25 to 29.
Duo Day is an event that is usually held in Europe, and is an event that visits companies or institutions where disabled people work and works together for a day to inform the disabled people of their abilities, and to improve the awareness of employment of them.
Various events such as providing internship opportunities for disabled college students, visiting workplaces for disabled people, and small concerts by artists with developmental disabilities were held simultaneously on duo day, which has been organized by the corporation for three years with the embassies.
The internship for disabled college students is an event that invites disabled university students to the embassy and provides them with a one-day job experience and this year, 12 students participated. The students spent time in the embassies of Belgium, the European Union, Finland, France, the Netherlands and Sweden to broaden their outlook by experiencing the duties of diplomatic organizations.
Also, the ambassadors of Belgium, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Finland, Netherlands, France, Germany, Poland, Ireland, Italy, Spain, Sweden, and embassy officials visited “We Dream” the standard workplace for the disabled people in the subsidiary of Amore Pacific on the 28th and toured the workplace, performed the duties of disabled workers, and enhanced their understanding of Korea's system of the disabled people’s workplace.
"Through the duo day event, we were able to have a meaningful time to experience the work of disabled people," said Jong-ran Cho, the chairman of the corporation. "We will continue to create opportunities to improve awareness of disability around the world by introducing employment system for the disabled in Korea which could be good model for other countries."